Our Kids on the Local news
Blog Post - September 2021
On the 16th September 2021, we were luck enough to be involved in a very cute story on spring life.
Myself, some of our 2-3 week old Toggenburg kids, Down Udder Lucas and Duke the wether all getting some screen time.
It was lovely to chat with Sarah and the camera man (who's name unfortunately has slipped my mind.) who worked on this story, we spent approximately half an hour talking about one of my favourite subjects... goats! One thing about goats here in Australia is everyone has their own personal story about a goat, whether they or a family member once owned a couple of their own or a neighbour down the road had one.
Filming my interview was slightly chaotic with 7 little Toggenburg kids running about, very interested in all the equipment. When you watch me talking you may even notice me keep looking sideways towards the kids in hope's they wouldn't knock something over, luckily all equipment escaped unharmed.
Overall we had a lovely time filming, and it produced a wonderful story with other local farmers and their animals help.
Below is the story, Our Toggenburg's and interview is from 1:12, although I highly suggest watching the whole video for even more cuteness!